Jesus is Your Healer
Do you feel like you're stuck in life? You have this ongoing struggle that won't go away. You want things to be better, but the reality is they're not.
If you know you're in a situation that needs to change, this message is for you. Pastor Lance talks about a man stuck for thirty-eight years in one of the worst scenarios anyone could imagine. Yet one encounter with Jesus changed everything. For this man, he was paralyzed. It could be constant worry or daily battles with anxiety and depression for you. It might have something to do with your health or chronic pain. Maybe it's a secret addiction or a habit that few people know exists.
You can choose to live discouraged, make excuses, and even cast blame on someone or something and settle for the life you have. Or you can believe God for the life that could be. It all can change with one encounter with Jesus. He is in charge of whatever has taken charge of you. How you see Jesus is how you will experience Him. We hope you see Jesus is your healer.
We pray God uses this message in your life to strengthen and encourage your faith.