Jesus is Life

Mar 27, 2022    Dave Edwards

Are you hungry? We all get hungry from time to time; however, our hunger is not always for food. We often hunger for peace, happiness, love, success, and even meaning. We set out to satisfy that hunger only to discover that our soul is starving.

Our souls are meant to live, and our attempt to feed them often leaves us feeling spiritually famished. We have a more profound need—the need for the sustenance of the Savior.

In week one of "Jesus is ______," guest speaker, Dave Edwards, introduced us to Jesus as the "Bread of Life." In this message, we'll discover how Jesus can be, day by day and moment by moment, the sustenance that feeds and nourishes our soul.

If you missed this message, make sure to catch up on week one of the series. It could have a significant impact on your walk with Jesus. We pray God uses this message in your life to strengthen and encourage your faith.