Do Not Judge

May 8, 2022    Pastor Lance Bradley

Chances are, whether you know the Bible or not, you have quoted our verse for this message in some way. It's a favorite for people who want to be left alone. Some use it to silence pushback. Others use it to stop criticism.

No matter how it's used, no one likes for it to happen to them, yet we do it all the time. We're talking about judging people.

Have you judged anyone lately? It's easy to do. It's easy to judge, and most of the time, we do it without even thinking. We love to judge people for their actions and don't like it when we're judged for ours. We have no problem pointing out people's sins as long as no one points to ours. So, is this wrong?

In this message, we'll look at the words of Jesus when He said, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged." Did Jesus really mean for us not to judge? It's the number one thing that turns people away from the church and Jesus. If someone in your life is turned off by Christians because they're too judgmental, this message is for them.