No More Division
Are you a little on edge these days? Grieved, anxious, maybe concerned by all the division in the world? In many ways, the world today is more divided than ever before. There are opposing sides to political, social, moral, and religious issues. Are you for this candidate or that one? Do you support this social justice position or that one?
When the world is divided, and people are hurting, what's your responsibility as a follower of Jesus? Where do you start? In this message, you'll learn why there's so much division and what might happen if the church were to experience perfect unity.
Jesus prayed for us to have perfect unity. To be undivided. He prayed for us to be one. Like many, our hearts are heavy with all that's happening around us. We don't have all the answers, but we serve a God who does. Our divided world needs a united church. Together, we can stop the division as we embrace the role Jesus wants us to play in bringing unity and healing.