The Real Truth About Your Pain
When you're in pain, what do you do? Do you seek help or try and ignore it, hoping it will go away? The worst thing to do with pain is to ignore its presence. In fact, how you respond to hurt and pain in your life is critical to how you process what happens and how healing takes place. If you ignore it, it could become worse.
Many of us still have past hurts that never get better. We can't walk in the freedom we would like to because we've got a past hurt that still hurts. Christmas is a great time to experience healing.
In this message, Pastor Lance gives us three truths about our pain and encourages us to bring our pain to God, don't run from Him. You'll see how an encounter with Jesus can change everything. He sees through our hurt, pain, and messed-up lives to bring healing. Just because healing hasn't come yet, doesn't mean your healing isn't on the way.